Sunday, August 25, 2013

The Full Circle of Ben Affleck as Batman

I'm rooting for Ben Affleck as Batman. I wasn't before he got cast. I wasn't when I heard. But now, now I want him to excel and shine as Batman. I want people (who probably were a lot like me) to eat crow about this. Not because he's the best choice. Not because I have a vested interest in him as the character. But because the backlash on social media and among the groups with which I speak of such matters has been so ridiculous that I've turned sides. Which is actually quite logical for several reasons.

The fact that Ben Affleck is now Batman doesn't discourage me from seeing the new film. It didn't before. My initial anger about his casting was because of the missed opportunity I perceived. The films that had been floated out were so tempting and so exciting to me that it was like getting a bicycle instead of new ice skates for Christmas. In all honesty there's nothing wrong with a  bike, but ice skates would've been better. Jon Hamm and Josh Brolin had so much potential to be the Robert Downey Jr. that DC and Warner Brothers were looking for. Even though logistically it may have not been possible for either actor. Affleck fit the suit and that's why he's the Caped Crusader.

Thinking about his prowess as an actor is unnecessary. Because quite simply he is playing Batman. No one is ever picked to play Bruce Wayne. And that's the problem with Batman actors. Nearly every actor has a detractor who has played Batman. The ongoing debate about Christian Bale's acting abilities is, plainly put, fucking stupid. The guy can act and act well. The thing is, every time an actor puts on the cape and cowl, they become Batman. Their abilities as an actor are almost dwarfed by how iconic the suit is, how iconic the emblem is. They become Batman. The real challenge for an actor is to play Bruce Wayne well. And too many people forget how important Bruce Wayne is to the dynamic of any Batman film. And make no mistake, this is not Man of Steel 2: Kryptonian Bugaloo this is Batman. Batman as a character is more popular and any of the actors whose names were bandied about for Batman were bigger than Henry Cavill. No disrespect to him. In short, we don't have to worry about Affleck as Batman. His suit won't have nipples, his chin is fine for the movie, he'll look cool, he'll look buff and the action sequences will be fun. And if he brings his A game to be Bruce Wayne, not Batman, then he will and we will be just fine.

The final part of my turn around is how awful the backlash was. I mean people are just fucking morons. If your issue is he doesn't have the look or he isn't a good actor, those are predicated upon opinion and don't have to change. If your problem is based on non-factors or ill researched ideas, well then you suck. I've heard that Affleck won't be big enough for the role. He is six foot four. Henry Cavill is six foot one. In case you didn't know, Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson is six foot four. Hugh Jackman is six foot two. Size isn't a problem. There's also the deluge of shittastic jokes that aren't funny and were hacky about ninety seconds after he was cast.

"Does this mean Matt Damon/Casey Affleck/Jennifer Gardner is going to be Robin/The Joker/Catwoman?"

No. Your joke is stupid and the mouth that made those sounds to form the joke is a waste of flesh.

"Ben Affleck is going to be the DAHK KNAGHT"

First off, Ben Affleck doesn't have an accent. He can do one. I'm not sure he even actually ever had one. The stigma of Hollywood where the Boston accent is poisonous, but cud-chewing Southerners and New Yorkers and random people of British descent are keen as kale might contribute to that. Secondly no one on the planet earth has an accent like that.

In short, the jokes have sucked, the arguments against him that aren't predicated on ability or look suck and I am fully behind my new bicycle while I hold out hope for ice skates next time. Affleck is Batman. Make the shirts, I'm wearing one.

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