Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Comic Con Checks and Balances

I went to Boston Comic Con. A girl dressed like Jessica Rabbit wrapped her leg around me for a photo. This was awesome. Who was she? Who knows? Why was she there? Who cares? All I know is that Comic Con represents the best in people. You've got an amply developed woman dressing like a cartoon character. For my amusement? For hers? Maybe she gets off on it. Maybe I do (did). Either way, interests collided into a form fitting red sequined dress. But that same type of collision also causes friction in people. 

My friends at Omega-Level.net had a booth at Comic Con and were selling some fantastic t-shirts. Namely the "Fuck Lucas" shirts done in the Star Wars font. Tasteful, elegant active wear to say the least. And a young man, presumably a Star Wars fan, definitely a fan of George Lucas, asked "what's the meaning of this?" in reference to the shirt. When it was explained to him it was due to how awful the prequels were, he stormed off in a huff. And that is no different than Jessica Rabbit and I. 

Interests bring us together. Sometimes they fall under a wide umbrella that brings more people together. However, ideas conflict with each other. Is it that they hate what George Lucas has done? Not all of it. Is it that the guy loved everything Lucas has ever done? Maybe. But they both love Star Wars Episodes 4-6. And yet they ended their conversation on a less than favorable note. Well the guy did. He looked angry and depressed. Ang-pressed. Which is what I was after seeing Ang Lee's Hulk. Hi-Yoooooo! In any event, Jessica was there to be her character, I was there to spy on Billy West. Yet, we both love tight form fitting dresses. Her wearing, me looking/ogling/touching/removing. And that brought us together. This lends itself to a greater idea. 

Comic Con, as well as other cons (not Con Air, whoa! 2 for 2) are about similar interests and the cohesion and conflicts they cause. I'm sure tattoo, car, gun, porn (the rest of the Big Five) conventions have the same interactions. 

Man: (Sees "Fuck Tribal/Chevy/Glock/Sunny Leone" shirt) "what's the meaning of this?"

Guy at Table: "I love old Tribal/Chevys/Glocks/Sunny Leone. But their/her new shit is awful"

Man: (storms off)

Now aside from the Sunny Leone shirt doubling as a positive message, those conversations can and probably have happened. But also, across the convention floor, someone met someone cool and took a picture. Checks and balances.

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