Friday, August 9, 2013

The Dark Knight Returns And Strikes Back and Returns Again

Superman is trying to enjoy his box office success. However, the pointy-eared cowl of the Batman has speared away any individual triumph the Man of Steel wants to attain.  Simply put, a combination of Marvel's success with The Avengers and their characters' films coupled with the overwhelming popularity of the Caped Crusader, has castrated Kal-El. And I'm pleased as punch. But I have an undying love of Batman going back to The Animated Series and the one true Batman Kevin Conroy. But he is the new reality of DC. He is the atom bomb, the first strike and the last resort. Batman Begins brought back big budget box office (ALLITERATION! TOASTY!) superhero success (AGAIN ALLITERATION!). And now he's the go to weapon. The phaser, the lightsaber, the Jonny Hendricks' God Hand. He is the character Warner Brothers wants and needs. 

It's no wonder Batman is going to show up in Supes' movie (and steal the goddamn thunder if the casting rumors are true). And it's also no wonder they're using a Batman centric arc to model the film. The Dark Knight Rises and the animated adaptation of The Dark Knight Returns have been big pieces of DC's film output the past two years. The story, by Frank Miller, is balls to the wall. Show the world without Batman. Show the world what happens when he comes back. Show the world how Bruce Wayne can die and the Batman can still live. It's one of the greatest arcs of all time. And DC knows this. 

Because it's such a gem, the names being throw out are big time. The top two being Josh Brolin and Ryan Gosling. I know I'm late to the party on this. But these are two "fuck yeah!" choices for Batman. Brolin more so than Gosling in my opinion. He's got the age, the voice, the chin and the size. Not to mention the acting chops. In any event, these aren't small potatoes or lunkheads. These are two experienced thespians who can take this film by the balls. And all due respect to Henry Cavill, I rather enjoy him as Superman, but either of these two (or Jon Hamm, FINGERS CROSSED!) plus the mystique the cape and cowl bring will overshadow him. And DC knows in this. And Warner Brothers knows this. And Zach Snyder knows this. And Christopher (No wonder the first six letters of his first name spell Christ) Nolan knows this. 

So? So what? Well, this just shows that all those rumors after TDKR came out about what's next had some ground to stand on. They were just looking for the right way to bring him back. Batman is the doorway superhero. He's a man. Not a mutant, alien, magical being. But his stories have featured mutants, aliens and magical beings. He is a gateway drug so to speak. Get the public on Bats, get them to buy he and Superman together, get them to believe in the Speed Force, the Green Lantern Corps and Atlantis. Then from there Martian Manhunter and Power Girl (can't tell which one is more unrealistic, shape shifting Martian or a ginormous bust) are just a film away. Could Thor have stood alone without Iron Man before it and the knowledge of the Avengers coming? Probably not. This is the same strategy. Guardians of the Galaxy and Ant-Man or Zatanna (oh I hope) and Animal Man. Not that far of a stretch. 

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