Monday, July 22, 2013

Jumping the Shark Isn't a Bad Thing

At this weekend's Comic-Con, the next Avengers and Superman films were announced. It was as sure as a blackout drunk at a bachelor party but this was the official word. Yet, Disney/Marvel and Warner Brothers/DC dropped megatons of awesome all over the kingdom of comics. 

Avengers 2 is subtitled "Age of Ultron". For the uninformed, Age of Ultron was a recent story arc written by Brian Michael Bendis and features robot extraordinaire Ultron tear-assing up the world. So what? Some might say. I'd say they should shut their faces and get ready for what could potentially be the greatest thing ever (in comic book films, not the world, because that'd be silly to say). Aside from the excellent source material, one of the biggest players in the story arc is Wolverine. Hugh Jackman said he would like it if the old Canucklehead showed up in an Avengers film. Does that mean we'll see claws pop next to Mjolnir and Cap's Shield and Scarlett Johannson's leathery leathery leather leather? Probably not. But until then a boy can dream. And undoubtably this movie will be well made and hugely successful. Even without Hank "Wife-Slapper" Pym in it. But dropping such a huge piece of information about the series and for a movie two years away will tickle the fancies of so many fanboys. 

Simply put, Batman is going to be in the next Superman film. No synopsis or casting info has been announced. Warner Brothers pulled a Tony Stark against the Avengers.

 "You have an Ultron? We have a Batman." 

This was done as intentionally as the Age of Ultron subtitle announcement. They want people talking and reading and debating over who will play Batman, whether or not the universes are connected and who will play Batman. These questions can be answered with one piece of casting info that hinges on JGL himself. If he's casted, then the universes are the same. Anyone else, it's new new new. Which is the better path. 

Now, in case you don't see it, this is a Cold War. They're busting out the big guns to get mouths and eyes moving. The difference between these companies is that Marvel has a full slate of films coming out to tease and tide their fans. DC has Batman. Having Batman teased at this stage is like have a world ending bomb but the enemy having a full stockade of deadly, but smaller weapons. It's almost like saying "all or nothing bitches, two men enter, one man leaves."

While these companies do this, the fans win. They both wanna win the superhero franchise crown and are pulling out the stops. What storylines will DC use to sell their films? What mystery actor will fill the role of a beloved Marvel character in a film? It's an orgy of rumor and perfect for the comic community, which lives on the forums and dies by the comment section. 

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